Regional Partners Launch TechCelerator @ Luzerne County to Boost Early-Stage Ventures
Luzerne County entrepreneurship partners kicked off the first session of TechCelerator @ Luzerne County on Wednesday, January 29th, at the Wilkes-Barre THINK Center. The pilot initiative, funded in part by Microsoft, is a collective effort brought to regional entrepreneurs by the CAN BE Innovation Center, CAN DO, Inc., the Greater Wyoming Valley Chamber of Commerce, Wilkes-Barre Connect, the Greater Hazleton Chamber of Commerce, tecBRIDGE, Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Northeastern Pennsylvania, and the Small Business Development Center at Wilkes University, along with the Hazleton Launchbox Supported by Pasco L. Schiavo, Esq. and the Wilkes-Barre Launchbox Powered by Penn State.